Here, there, and beyond: remittances in transnational family consumption.

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This research charts the multicultural nature of remittances as they impact consumption in transnational families. Using interview data, it is emphasized the importance of remitances sent by migrant workers in the U.S. to their families in Mexico in a process of family reproducction that features consumption activities and events anda cultural meanings tha together affect these families. Analysis highlights the cultural meanings of family motivating memebers to leave home to procure remittances for consumption, even as doing so changes anda challenges the very viability of these families. Theoretically, this work contributes to the knowledge of remittances in an intricate web of transnational, family consumption activities anda meanings, and adds to understandings of the central role of consumption in the transnational family. The research is concluded with implications for consumer researchers anda public agencies concerning the place of consumption in transnational family development anda well-being.