An english-spanish glossary of contemporary christian terms.

Contreras Olivera, Guillermo Alfonso
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Remarking the importance of connecting two cultures together is relevant in this monographic investigation. It is important to know that a translator/interpreter generally becomes this bridge that allows the communication process to happen when this gap is filled According to Nida (2001:82), “For truly successful translation, biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism, since words only have meanings in terms of the cultures in which they function”. Cultural gaps between the source language and the target language have always turned to be a very difficult assignment for translators to develop. Nord (2001) holds that translating means comparing cultures. Therefore, and in agreement with Nida’s statements, a translator should always do his best to know both cultures in order to provide a relevant work and become a bridge for the communication process. I intend to supply a specific range of words and terms for the meant glossary and the subculture context will be into account. A glossary (from the Greek glossa, meaning obsolete or foreign word) ensures a consistent style and voice, an accurate rendering of the original text and a level of translation quality that is even throughout. “Glossaries are especially critical in the case of technical translations and marketing communications, and should really be employed for any localization project” (Acclaro, 2010).
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